I have a friend that has billions of stories in her head. They float around like lily pads in a pond and she is the frog, carelessly stopping at each floating leaf to savor the essence of every adventure.
My brilliance doesn't come to me in billions, we can't all be so lucky. It's been a full year since I have started writing and the more I write, the more ideas come to me. Everything I see is a story, every person I listen to becomes a character, and everywhere I look people have ideas.
Every time I tell someone that I am a writer, they confess that they, too, have ideas for a story. It is so amazing and encouraging to know that my closest friends and family members have made up worlds in their heads that are just itching to get out.
My poll this month is: Do you have an idea for a book?
Please leave me a comment and tell me what is holding your story up. Time management? No idea where to start? Character's flat? Plot line needs help?
I can't wait to hear what your ideas and doubts are.